STANLEY's daycare at Marine Park Family Hub

Address: Marine Park Children's Centre, Flagg Court, South Shields, NE33 2LS
Telephone number: 0191 456 5418


  1. Opening times
  2. About the daycare
  3. How to apply for a place
  4. Ofsted report

Opening times

Christmas and New Year closures

STANLEY’s Day Care will close at 4pm on Friday 20 December 2024 and will reopen as normal on Tuesday 7 January 2025.

  • Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 4.30pm

Open term time.

About STANLEY's daycare at Marine Park Children's Centre 

  • Established nursery in South Shields. 
  • Our newly refurbished, high quality, inclusive learning environment is designed to support practitioners to meet the holistic needs of your child. 
  • Through play our long serving, professional, dedicated and caring practitioners promote each individual child's learning and development. 
  • We pride ourselves on the quality of care and education we give to each child.
  • Situated within Marine Park Family Hub and is currently open from 9am until 4pm.

Learning through Play

Children are offered high-quality play activities and resources, which enable them to engage in active learning through fun and stimulating experiences. The daily routine is organised to allow as much free-play as possible whereby children can explore and learn with minimal interruption. 

Adult initiated small and large group times take place at the beginning and end of the nursery session, whereby short, carefully planned activities allow practitioners to focus on a particular area of learning. 

Each child's learning is documented through practitioner and parent observations and photographs in their individual learning journal.


We offer a natural environment whereby children can choose to play indoors or outdoors, and move freely between the two. This provides children the opportunity to be physically active and develop their physical skills. 

Our environments are arranged to encourage children to be independent and access the resources needed for each adventure. We are committed to ensuring that all children are safe and protected whilst in our care. 

The resources are age and stage appropriate and our committed team are always available to support.


Each child is allocated a key person who is responsible for promoting a positive and nurturing relationship, and for providing a secure base from which the child can feel safe to explore and play. 

Each key person has a 'buddy' who will undertake the roles of key person to individual children during periods of absence. 

We recognise the strong value of relationships between parents and practitioners and encourage parents to work with practitioners in facilitating children's learning and development whilst at nursery. 

Inclusive Practice

Children with additional needs, including those with special educational needs and those who have English as an additional language, are extremely well supported. 

Childrens' individual needs are carefully considered and planned for, ensuring that each child is provided with the opportunity to reach his or her own potential. 

The routine, environment and activities are all adaptable according to the individual needs of each child. 

How to apply for a place

To find out more about how to apply for place you can contact the centre on 0191 456 5418. 

Ofsted Report

View the .

Find out more about Marine Park Family Hub.