Confirming the cause of a death


From 9 September 2024, the Medical Examiner will examine all deaths and agree the cause of death, except those that need to be referred to a coroner.

Deaths that need to be referred to a coroner include:

  • unnatural deaths
  • those where the cause of death is unknown

For guidance when a death has been referred to a coroner, see .

As the next of kin, you will be able to discuss any concerns about the cause of death, and the care your relative received before their death, with the Medical Examiner Office.

Confirming the cause of death

The Medical Examiner Office is staffed by a team of senior doctors.

The Medical Examiner Office will:

  • review the medical notes of the patient
  • discuss the cause of death with the medical team in charge of the patient's care
  • complete the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD)

The MCCD must be completed before the death can be registered. This will: 

  • help make sure only appropriate cases will be referred to coroners
  • allow bereaved families the chance to ask questions or  raise concerns with the medical examiner
  • help identify which parts of the process work well and which don't, allowing for improvements

Medical examiners and their staff will only review cases where they have not been directly involved in the care of the patient.

What to do after confirming the cause of death

After the death has been reviewed, you must register the death within 5 days with the registrar's office.

For more information, see Register a death.

Raising a concern about the cause of death

As the next of kin, the Medical Examiner Office will contact you by phone to explain the cause of death.

You will be given the opportunity to raise any questions or concerns about:

  • the cause of death
  • the care your relative received before their death

Any questions or concerns you raise will help identify concerns and improve care for patients and bereaved people.

You will also have the opportunity to give positive feedback about the care a patient has received. This helps identify good practice that can be shared with colleagues.

Contact the Medical Examiner Office

You can contact the Medical Examiner Office on 0191 202 4006.

More information