Borough Marks Bangladesh Independence Day

Posted by: Press team on 24 March 2021 14:09

The flag of Bangladesh will fly above South Shields Town Hall this Friday to mark the 50th anniversary of the country's Independence Day.

Friday 26 March commemorates Bangladesh's declaration of independence from Pakistan. The day is seen as a memorial to the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians who died in the Bangladesh Liberation War.

The Mayor of South Tyneside, Councillor Norman Dick, said: "We have a large Bangladesh population in the Borough.  They, along with other ethnic groups, strengthen the diversity of our Borough and are a huge part of our rich cultural heritage.

"It is, therefore, only right that we recognise the importance of this day to our Bangladeshi community. We are proud to fly their flag in honour of their nation's golden jubilee."

He added: "The Mayoress and I have attended previous celebrations for this day and it is sad that people will miss out this year."

Letters have been sent to members of the Bangladeshi community to mark the day. Depending on circumstances, it is hoped that events can be organised later in the year to celebrate both the occasion and the contribution the Bangladeshi community make to life in South Tyneside.

Last modified: 01 October 2021 14:10