Mental health in adults (health and wellbeing needs in South Tyneside)

Community assets and services

The South Tyneside Mental Health Offer below outlines organisations which provide services to people with mental health issues in South Tyneside.

Below is a summary of some of the services currently available:

Mental Health Support to improve coping and offer support, including support, advice and treatment in respect to anxiety, stress, depression, low mood, phobias. 

Services include:

  • Healthy Minds team
  • Kooth / Quell
  • Lifecycle
  • GP and primary care team
  • Mental Health Primary Care practitioners
  • Mental Health Concern
  • Recovery College
  • Age Concern South Tyneside
  • First Contact Clinical

Serious mental illness to offer treatment which may include support within a hospital setting, including support delivered by teams of psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health nurses and occupational therapists. 

Services include:

  • Mental Health Primary Care practitioners
  • Community Mental Health team
  • Early Intervention in Psychosis team
  • Employment Support Service
  • Supported Accommodation
  • Mental Health Concern
  • Primary Health Care Hub

Mental health support during pregnancy and 2 years after birth. 

Services include:

  • Early Help Service
  • Perinatal Mental Health Service
  • Specialist Health Visitors and 0-19 service
  • Specialist Midwifery Services


The Council has a statutory duty relating to the 2014 Care Act to assess local people's needs and their eligibility for publicly funded care and support.

This is delivered via the Adult Social Care Strategy 'Living Better Lives' (2022-2026) which outlines the approach adopted locally. Services are delivered in the context of:

  • Being able to access support which builds on their strengths, friendships, and aspirations.
  • Live safely and well.
  • Live independently as much as this is possible.
  • Have an equal voice in coordinating their care and support.
  • Tell their story only once.
  • Have their rights protected.
  • Be included and treated as equal citizens.

North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board

The North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (or ICB) is a statutory NHS organisation which is responsible for developing a plan for meeting the health needs of the population, managing the NHS budget and arranging for the provision of health services in a geographical area, locally this being South Tyneside.

ICB's will:

  • Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare.
  • Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, and access.
  • Enhance productivity and value for money.
  • Help the NHS support broader social and economic development.

Primary Care Health Hub

The Primary Care Health Hub supports children, young people, and adults aged 14+ (including people with severe mental illness (SMI) with their physical health monitoring via a series of 12 physical health checks. This includes accessing a yearly health check and medication support.

The service is part of the 21 GP surgeries in South Tyneside and is delivered via an outreach approach.

Primary Care Network (PCN) workers

PCN workers facilitate mental health appointments allowing GPs increased capacity to address physical health issues.

PCN link workers based in voluntary sector organisations including Everyturn, Autism in Mind and ACTS provide specialist support to reduce need for secondary care services.

Mental Health Community Treatment Service

The South Tyneside Community Mental Health Treatment provision includes the Psychosis Pathway, Non-Psychosis Pathway, Early Intervention in Psychosis Service and Step Up Hub and is provided by Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW).

The services provide specialist assessment, formulation and treatment to individuals with moderate to critical mental health needs that are complex and require an integrated approach to care and treatment. 

The teams are staffed by a range of specialist mental health professionals with training and experience of working with individuals and their families, carers and supporters.

These include qualified mental health practitioners from various professional backgrounds (nursing, social work etc), consultant psychiatrists, psychologists / psychological therapists, occupational therapists, support staff, peer support workers, employment specialists and with access to pharmacists and specialist services where appropriate.

The Mental Health Community Treatment services offer a range of recovery focused, co-produced and personalised therapeutic interventions including physical health, medical, psychological interventions, psychosocial interventions and vocational opportunities.

They also offer provision for those individuals with longer term conditions. 

Â鶹ÊÓƵ Adult Social Care

Â鶹ÊÓƵ Adults Social Care provides the statutory duties contained within the Care Act 2014, and the Mental Health Act, 1983, 2007 to adults within South Tyneside.

The service works with younger adults transitioning from children's services, as well as adults of the age of 18+, throughout the lifespan to support them to live the life they choose, as independently as possible and with overall choice and control.

The team have two primary functions; Mental Health Act assessment and Care Act assessment, as well as several other duties contained within the Care Act.

The staff team, work with people who are suffering with long term mental illness to support them to lead better lives based on the principle of the person knows best.

The service offers an integrated approach working alongside CNTW, housing, police and third sector / voluntary agencies to support improving outcomes for people living within the borough.

Support in a Crisis


The Intensive Community Treatment Service is part of South of Tyne Children and Young People's Services.

ICTS provide intensive home based treatment for children and young people with complex mental health needs.

Home based treatment is a short term, high input intervention with the main aim being to avoid a hospital admission.

South Tyneside Lifecycle Primary Care Mental Health Service: South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

South Tyneside Lifecycle Primary Care Mental Health Service offer a free and confidential NHS service for people aged 16 and over who are registered with a  South Tyneside GP, providing a range of psychological therapies to help you feel better if you're feeling anxious, depressed, stressed or worried.

Other mental health support services in South Tyneside 


is an anonymous website which helps adults (aged 26+) to feel safe and confident in exploring their concerns and seeking professional support about mental health.

It offers anonymous mental health support via digital therapy, community support and over 100,000 pieces of therapeutic content and personal development tools. 

Age Concern Tyneside South (ACTS)

 provides a range of services to help people with their mental health.

This includes social activities, practical support and specialist services such as benefits advice.

ACTS can discuss whether the Talking Therapies service could be of help around any mental health difficulties people may be experiencing and help them access the support if needed.  

Age Concern Tyneside South Primary Care Network Support Service 

This service enables older people with mental health issues to actively participate in making positive changes with their health and wellbeing and reducing the risk of people not being able to access the services they need.

Age Concern Tyneside South (ACTS): Discharge Link Worker 

ACTS Discharge Link Worker pick ups the initial referral to make contact and offer a friendly approach to clients to give them an opportunity to talk through their needs and more importantly priorities these. 

South Tyneside Lifecycle Service is working with Age Concern Tyneside South (ACTS) to help target Talking Therapies support to older people.

Two community-based link workers seek to raise awareness of mental health issues such as loneliness and support and encourage access to the Lifecyle Service.

Together in a Crisis: South Tyneside and Sunderland Crisis Service 

 can help if there is someone in crisis, but do not meet the requirements to access local NHS mental health crisis services.

The service will address social, practical or emotional issues that are impacting on mental health and wellbeing.

The service is available online or in community settings with link workers helping to understand the triggers which cause crisis situations and support to develop long term strategies to address similar situations in the future.  

Kind Mind Community

Kind Mind Community offers free, education and fun activities to help people improve their knowledge and skills around managing their mental health and wellbeing.

Activities include; Managing Anxiety, Mindful Relaxation, Positive Psychology, Mindful Photography, Confidence and Assertiveness. 

First Contact Clinical

First Contact Clinical is a social enterprise based in the North East specialising in delivering person centred behaviour change services (social prescribing) and skills training to people and professionals.

They strive to make a difference to the health and wellbeing of disadvantaged people and communities by enabling healthy change.

Carers Support 

Connected Caring, a partnership between Age Concern Tyneside South (ACTS), Vision and Hearing Support, and Your Voice Counts provides support to adult carers in South Tyneside. This includes:

  • Advice and support based around the needs of the carer to enable them to continue their caring role.
  • Access to emotional and wellbeing support.
  • Peer support groups.
  • Skills development, such as supporting with employment and training opportunities, as well as digital connection support.
  • Working with young carers to support transition.

See  for more information.

LGBT+ service

The LGBT+ South Tyneside Support Service provides support to adults up to the age of 25.

Specialist support includes one to one support, interventions, workshops, peer support and family work.

South Tyneside Adult Recovery Service (STARS) 

This offers ways for local people with drug and alcohol problems to become free from their dependence by working in partnership with a range of health, mental health, adult, children and young people's social care, criminal justice agencies, voluntary and community sector services.

Working with individuals to support recovery and reducing the problems that substance misuse causes to families, friendships, workplaces and communities in South Tyneside.


This service offers men the opportunity to chat in confidence, with calls taken by trained group leaders who can help men with their mental health issues and connect them to local peer support groups.

Compact for Racial Equality In South Tyneside (CREST)

CREST is a registered charity which aims to promote racial equality and to assist people from communities in South Tyneside enjoy a better quality of life by supporting those in need to gain access in education, training and employment, to raise aspirations and to ensure their voice is heard.

The Alzheimer's Society 

Dementia support workers offer information and practical guidance to help people understand dementia and cope with day-to-day challenges and prepare for the future.

This support is provided for people who are worried about their memory, people with a diagnosis of dementia, and their loved ones (carers).

Ongoing support is provided face to face, over the phone or in writing.

Alzheimer's Society also provides the following activity and support groups in the community: Peer Support, Singing for the Brain, and Dementia Cafe.

The National Trust

The National Trust provides a range of sport and exercise events for local people and families to support wellbeing and mental health.

This includes outdoor activities including multi-sports, adapt cricket, sensory ponies, alongside creative and water-based activities.

Moving Forward

Moving Forward supports individuals affected by severe mental illness who find it difficult to engage in activities. 

Support is given to people to promote self-confidence and regain skills to enable them to move on with their lives independently.

Liaison and Diversion Service: Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust (CNTW) 

The Liaison and Diversion Service was developed to identify people who have mental health, learning disability, substance misuse or other vulnerabilities when they first come into contact with the criminal justice system as suspects, defendants or offenders and support them through the pathway, or divert to another service is appropriate.

The aim of the service is to reduce re-offending.

Safe Haven - Changing Lives

The service supports people with mental health needs by providing four self-contained flats for short-term (maximum 28 days), 24-hour crisis accommodation to support discharge from mental health inpatient units. 

The service offers a complex navigator role to support with transition into and out of the accommodation.

The complex navigator will support the individual to access temporary or permanent accommodation, working alongside partners, and establish continued support to build mental health resilience, community integration and engagement with other appropriate community support.