Stop smoking

Support to quit smoking

We can give you free, flexible, friendly support to help you quit.

Our support includes: 

  • Specialist one to one support and advice.
  • Nicotine replacement therapy.

You are three times more likely to quit with our support.

There are lots of reasons to quit smoking.

For information about the benefits of quitting, visit .

Ask for support 

You can ask for help for yourself or for someone you know.

Health professionals can also use this form to refer patients.

Request help to stop smoking

Or, speak to your stop smoking adviser: 

Online and digital support

  • Free personal quit plan: 
  • Call the free Smokefree National Helpline to speak to a trained, expert adviser: 0300 123 1044
  • Join the Smokefree online community: 
  • Smokefree has lots of free support to help you stop for good. Choose from a smartphone app, email programme or text messages that will help keep you focused wherever you are: