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(This may be visitors, members of the public, contractors etc ). Detail if babies, or young children, or young persons may frequent the building. See further in this report the occupancy may rise considerably on a temporary basis.NUMBER OF FLOORS. Detail any mezzanine floors, basement, or lower ground floor areas. This will also include roof spaces, or plant areas that are located on the roof. State if the building is high rise. SIZE OF BUILDING. Comment on floor space ie; square area of foot print in metres (approx).USE OF BUILDING. Residential, Offices, Factory, Warehouse, Educational, Shop, Public Building. AGE OF BUILDING. Approximate age of building.MULTI OCC. Is the building multiple occupied if, so how many occupiers are located on site. Could any person be working alone or situated in an isolated area at any time in the building.EVACUATION PLAN. Is the fire, and evacuation plan common to all occupancies, and all tenants fully aware of the procedure. All occupants should figure in the same evacuation plan for the premises.GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. Materials used in construction of building, roof design, etc. State if the building is timber framed, also if asbestos has been used in the construction.EXPOSURE HAZARDS. Are there any buildings in close proximity to this establishment. This can include sheds, storage huts, skips wheelie bins etc.INTRUSIVE FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT. How intrusive is this risk assessment are roof spaces, and voids being inspected.OTHER INFORMATION. Any relevant information that may support the above . The responsible person will normally be the building manager, and where possible be deemed as a competent person. Fire Risk Assessment. The assessment will demonstrate an acceptable level of Fire Safety if all of the questions in the first column are answered Yes, or if the existing control measures are adequate. If the existing control measures are not adequate then further control measures should be detailed and put in place and the risk re-assessed. The process must be repeated until all the control measure stated proves adequate. Stage 1 Fire Hazard Identification. Hazard Y/N Detail Existing Control Measures. Are they adequate? Yes / no Detail any further control measures required. Comment in this section will form the ongoing action plan. Are there any highly flammable substances i.e. Petrol, LPG, other gases, aerosols or liquids including paints or varnishes stored on premises?  Are combustible materials kept on premises?  Is combustible waste allowed to accumulate on premises? Is there a waste management policy in place ?  Are foam materials including seating and upholstery either stored or used on the premises?  Are the wall or ceiling linings within the premises combustible? This applies to notices, pictures that may be on the wall.  Others     Please record any other information you may feel relevant to your risk assessment. Stage II Ignition Source Identification. Hazard Y/N Detail Existing Control Measures. Are they adequate? Yes / no Detail any further control measures required. Is smoking prohibited on premises? Is it possible for a malicious fire to occur on the premises, even when unoccupied?Work processes in the building. Are there any cutting, welding or other heat / flame producing processes (including cooking) carried out?  Are portable gas, oil or electric heaters allowed on the premises? If so what type  Are there any combustible materials stored near to a source of heat or sparks e.g. less than 500mm from lights or less than 1 metre from electrical switch gear? Does the electrical wiring pose a hazard? Has the electrical wiring installation been tested and inspected within the last five years . (1year if a Public Entertainments Licence in force)? What portable appliances are used in the building, and are they tested. Other     Please record any other information you may feel relevant to your risk assessment. Stage III Risk to Persons on the Premises Hazard Y/N Detail Existing Control Measures. Are they adequate? Yes / no Detail any further control measures required. Are suitable controls in place within high fire risk areas. Are high risk areas, plant rooms, kitchens kept locked when not in use. Are kitchens under the same fire safety scope, as the rest of the building, is kitchen equipment Being tested accordingly. Are there any employees or other persons likely to be present that could not react to a fire alarm? This should be covered in the fire and evacuation plan.  Is it likely that there may be persons other than employees within the building? e.g. members of the public, contractors, visitors. It may be that there are times when the occupancy is considerably higher. (School nativity play).  Can the building be fully evacuated in less than 3 minutes? This should be tested with a fire, and evacuation drill. The time taken to empty the premises should be recorded in the available log book.  Other  Please record any other information you may feel relevant to your risk assessment. Stage IV Fire Safety Standards. Hazard Y/N Detail Existing Control Measures. Are they adequate? Yes / no Detail any further control measures required.Is there more than one exit route from any area in the premises? This question applies mainly to corridor, means of escape areas. There will be only one exit from most rooms. (Unless a large room, ie ; sports hall, conference , or meeting room.) If more than sixty persons are in an area it should have two exits.Are all routes able to allow a person in a wheelchair to evacuate?Are escape routes kept clear of obstructions?If there are more than 60 persons in the premises do the doors open in the direction of egress? ( If more than sixty people need to use a final exit, it should open outwards.)Are all fire exit doors operable without use of a key when the building is occupied?Are the escape routes adequately signed?Do the escape routes have sufficient lighting levels?If the lighting failed would evacuation in an emergency be easily achievable? Is there emergency lighting in the building?Are corridors/stairways fire protected where necessary Is the structural integrity of the building compromised in any way.Are there identified final fire assembly points in a safe location. There may be one or more final fire assembly points. These must be outside the building. Other Please record any other information you may feel relevant to your risk assessment. Stage V Fire Safety Measures. Hazard Y/N Detail Existing Control Measures. Are they adequate? Yes / no Detail any further control measures required.Does the building have a hard wired fire alarm system. Does this include automatic fire detection? What other functions are covered by the fire alarm system. (Opening, and closing doors etc).Would all building occupiers be aware of a detected fire? (Including those who may be disabled)Is the fire alarm linked to a monitoring centre (Red Care) in the event of a fire being detected?Is the existing fire fighting equipment adequately maintained and serviced regularly?Have all staff received information and instruction in/on the fire action plan? Is fire training carried out on a regular basis.Are your fire safety procedures adequate for your premises?Are persons with limited abilities catered for in the fire, and evacuation plan. Some occupants may require a PEEP personal emergency evacuation plan.Are fire evacuation drills undertaken at regular intervals?Other  Please record any other information you may feel relevant to your risk assessment. Having now completed your risk assessment make sure that all staff are aware of it and ensure that it is available for reading by them at any reasonable time and that it is also kept readily available for inspection by any fire safety officer ( THE FIRE AUTHORITY ARE THE ENFORCING AUTHORITY FOR THIS LEGISLATION, SEE COMMENT BELOW) who is inspecting your premises or any other person having an identifiable need to inspect this document. Please remember that your risk assessment is DYNAMIC, that is to say, on going. It must be reviewed every twelve months, or when there is a need to review it at any other time, this will include any material change to the premises either structurally, or with regard to occupancy, or use of the building. You should also ensure that if any persons as well as employees are allowed on to the premises, due regard is given to the safety provisions from fire that may encompass them. It should be noted that the Local Fire Authority are the enforcing authority for the legislation, and a Fire Safety Officer may make requirements additional to those contained in this document, or may specify to a higher standard. These requirements must be followed. Please Note: you must retain this assessment and subsequent reviews at your location for inspection purposes. Copies should also be sent to the Councils Corporate Health and Safety Team and Asset Management section of Resources and Regeneration. Should you have any queries regarding the Fire Risk Assessment process please contact the Councils Corporate Health and Safety Team. Should you have any queries regarding structural issues please contact the person responsible for the premises (Asset Management). Should you have any queries regarding fire protected routes and other fire protection issues please contact the Building Control Section or Neighbourhood Services.     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