Report overhanging trees and branches, tree surgeons, and more.
During busy periods, the line may appear to cut off. If you can't get through, please keep trying. We appreciate your patience.Report a fallen tree
When carrying out tree works we follow a rule of minimum tree removal where possible, and make sure it is in line with guidance on the general protection of trees and the South Tyneside tree and woodland policy.
General protection of trees
The Council must prioritise its tree work following its statutory duties and based on prevailing risk.
All tree work follows British Standards and is carried out through our Arboricultural Association approved contractors.
We always try to follow recognised good practice.
All trees, including groups, hedges and woodlands, which fall within the area of the Council's responsibility will be managed following the South Tyneside tree and woodland policy.
If a healthy tree belongs to us or we have a responsibility for it, even if it's privately owned, it can't be pruned or felled without a good reason.
See also, tree preservation orders and trees in conservation areas.
Tree surgeons
If you need independent advice on any tree care issues, please ask a qualified professional.
A register of approved contractors can be found on the .
For more information about local tree surgeons see, find a tree surgeon.
Tree issues and advice
For advice on trees please see common tree issues.
For other advice on common tree issues such as pruning trees, damage caused by roots or issues with leaves please see, issues with trees, hedges and leaves.
You can report a problem with trees or branches on roads, pavements, or public rights of way such as a footpaths or bridleways.
Tree felling consultations
Before removing a highway or street tree, we must hold a consultation to let residents know about the proposal to remove it. This is called Duty to Consult.
For more information, see Highway / street tree felling consultations (Duty to Consult)