Report a planning breach
Our principles in handling your complaint
We will
- Aim to strike a fair balance between:
- protecting the quality or character of an area, and other interests of importance in the planning system, and
- allowing development to take place that is acceptable in principle, even though it may initially have been unauthorised.
- Follow the Council's PROUD values.
- Adhere to the and .
- Try to resolve planning breaches informally before resorting to formal action.
- Make sure remedies are proportionate if formal action is taken.
Local and national planning policies
We will consider local and national planning policies, as well as the East Boldon Neighbourhood Plan and Whitburn Neighbourhood Plan if appropriate.
Your report will be investigated confidentially.
Your personal details will not be provided to others outside of the Council.
You may be asked to disclose your personal details if legal action is needed.
We will try to work with businesses (particularly small businesses), community, sports or charitable organisations in a way which allows them to continue operating. This could be on the existing site or from an alternative site.
Planning Enforcement Notices
All Planning Enforcement Notices and Planning Inspectorate decisions will be published on the Council's website.
See Planning Enforcement Notices.
Other breaches
If the issue breaches other legislation, we will refer those matters to other Council teams / public sector partners.