Short-break Unit Rated Outstanding by Ofsted
A short-break centre for children with special educational needs in South Tyneside is celebrating an 'Outstanding' rating from Ofsted inspectors.
Foxden, based in Harton, South Shields, offers short breaks for children with disabilities across the Borough, enabling them to try new experiences and celebrate their strengths while supporting their development in a safe environment.
Following its most recent Ofsted inspection, Inspectors said that the children's home provides highly effective services that consistently exceed the standards of good and that the actions of the children's home contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for children and young people who need help protection and care.
Councillor Liz McHugh, Lead Member for Children, Families and Social Care and Education and Skills, said: "One of our key priorities is to ensure every child has the best start in life. Foxden is a fantastic centre that supports young people with complex needs as well as their families. The unit provides a safe and secure environment to remain healthy, cared for, supported and stimulated.
"This latest inspection report is wonderful news. Well done to all those involved."
Ofsted Inspectors recognised that 'children are exceptionally well cared for by a dedicated and highly skilled team of staff. Their excellent knowledge of the children's individual needs, risks and vulnerabilities helps children to make significant and sustained progress from their starting points.'
It was also noted that staff provide children with a wide range of positive life experiences to make friends and enjoy fun activities.
Relationships with families were acknowledged as excellent with some parents describing the short break service as a 'home from home'. Staff go above and beyond to provide support to families when needed.
Inspectors praised the Leadership team for being 'highly creative', with 'innovation around communication a standout feature,' - referencing the creation of new communication packs for each child and a symbols board empowering children to tell others what they want and how they feel. This has increased the opportunities for non-verbal children, ensuring that their voice is heard frequently during their stay.
Ofsted added that 'staff create an environment that is nurturing, inspirational and full of positivity, allowing children to be who they are and celebrating their differences.'
Foxden was extended in summer 2021 to provide a state-of-the-art sensory room and storage area for equipment. New kitchen and bathroom were fitted. The centre was also redecorated throughout. The new sensory garden provides a range of play equipment and sensory activities for the children and young people.
The Ofsted report is available in full at .