Local Development Framework (LDF)
The South Tyneside Local Development Framework (LDF) is our current Local Plan and guides the future development and use of land in the borough.
The Local Development Framework includes a portfolio of statutory Development Plan Documents (DPD).
Along with national policy and guidance, the LDF policies set the basis for assessing all planning applications and development proposals.
They are supported by non-statutory advisory guidance in our series of Supplementary Planning Documents.
Development Plan Documents
Core Strategy
Development Management Policies
Development Management Policies
Technical Appendices: Local Wildlife and Geodiversity Sites (2010)
South Shields Town Centre & Waterfront Area Action Plan
South Shields Town Centre & Waterfront Area Action Plan (Nov 2008)
South Shields Town Centre and Waterfront AAP Proposals Map Inset
Central Jarrow Area Action Plan
Central Jarrow Area Action Plan
Central Jarrow AAP Proposals Map Inset
The area action plan covers Jarrow Town Centre, riverside and Jarrow Hall (formerly Bede's World) areas.
Please note: The UK's nomination of the Wearmouth-Jarrow twin monastic site to become a World Heritage Site was formally withdrawn in January 2014 at the recommendation of ICOMOS and UNESCO, and subsequent agreement of central government and Sunderland and 麻豆视频s.
Hebburn Town Centre Area Action Plan
Hebburn Town Centre Area Action Plan (Oct 2008)
Hebburn Town Centre Area Action Plan: Proposals Map Inset
Site-Specific Allocations
Site-Specific Allocations (April 2012)
Purchase Local Development Framework documents
To buy copies of our LDF documents and maps, please see our publication fees.