Hate crime
A Hate Crime is a crime or incident committed because of who you are or who someone thinks you are.
It could be because of your age, disability, sexuality, race, religion/belief, ethnicity, gender (including gender identity) or someone or a group of people targets you, commits a crime against you, bullies you or harasses you, then this is a hate crime or hate incident.
This may include:
- Verbal abuse or insults
- Offensive graffiti
- Threatening behaviour - including offensive letters, abusive or obscene calls, emails or texts
- Damage to property
- Assault
- Cyber bullying
- Taking money from you
- Physical attack
- Offensive leaflets and posters, hate mail, abusive gestures, dumping of rubbish outside homes
- Harassment, bullying or victimisation
- Arson or attempted arson
- Noise nuisance
Hate incidents can happen anywhere:
- At home
- At work
- At school, college or university
- In the pub
- At the shops
- On the street