If you have problems purchasing items abroad


  1. Overview
  2. Contact the UKICC
  3. UK ECC Travel App


UK consumers are being urged to follow the UK International Consumer Centre's (UKICC) advice when buying goods and services from outside the UK.

The UKICC are a free service who offer advice and support to consumers that have problems with goods and service purchased abroad.

They can offer advice on:

  • buying goods 
  • buying services
  • travel (including hiring cars, lost baggage, travel refunds and more)
  • scams

Contact the UKICC

If things do go wrong while buying goods or services abroad, you can get free legal advice by contacting the UK International Consumer Centre via the .

UK ECC Travel App

The UK ECC Travel app is free and available offline. It covers topics such as:

  • Purchases
  • Car rental
  • Travel
  • Accommodation
  • Health 

Find out more at