Learning disabilities (health and wellbeing needs in South Tyneside)
Community assets and services
All ages
The National Trust offers land and water-based activities for children, young people and adults with a learning disability. The activities are delivered by trained instructors who can provide a range of reasonable adjustments.
supports children, young people, and adults aged 14+ with their physical health monitoring. This includes accessing a yearly health check and medication support. The service is part of the 21 GP surgeries in South Tyneside and is delivered via an outreach approach.
For children, young people and adults with a learning disability who are at risk of admission to a mental health hospital, they will be flagged on the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) and a Care (Education) Treatment Review (C(E)TR) arranged if required. The aim will look at how to support the person in the community to avoid unnecessary admission to hospital.
Requests to be included on the DSR is through South Tyneside's Complex Case Facilitators. Request for a C(E)TR can be made to Your Voice Counts. In August 2023, there were 4 children and young people and 27 adults on the DSR. In 22/23, there were 25 C(E)TRs, this included 20 adult CTRS and 5 children and young people's CETRS. For further information, see and .
Â鶹ÊÓƵ also provides accessible leisure opportunities for children, young people, adults and families with learning disabilities, such as Haven Point and Hebburn Central Leisure Centres. Facilities have accessible changing rooms and pool hoists.
In addition, there are bespoke SEND swimming lessons available at Jarrow Community Pool which take place every Saturday from 1:30 to 2:30pm. There is a Sports Development Team who deliver short breaks disability scheme during the holiday periods. For further information around leisure facilities, see Leisure centres.
Children and Young People
The Children with Disabilities (CWD) Social Work Team, who provide access to specialist social work support to families of disabled children aged 0 to 17. The team works with children and young people whose disability is impacting their ability to have opportunities to get the best start in life, remain healthy and aspire to a brighter future. Needs assessments identify what services are best placed to support the child and their family.
There are 3 Specialist Educational settings in South Tyneside. They are only available to children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Children and young people with a learning disability can also be supported in mainstream education with access to reasonable adjustments and / or SEN Support.
Young people are required to continue with education or training up to the age of 18, to give them the best opportunity to achieve their potential. There are a range of options available, and more information can be found on the
There is a Transitions Forum which was set up in 2019 to provide a multiagency response in planning for young people from age 16 transitioning from Children's Services. This ensures that a core group from Children's, Adults, Health Education and Commissioning are looking ahead to anticipate needs for this vulnerable group of young people. The Forum aims to ensure that young people and their families anticipate and are prepared for the transition to adulthood, and expectations regarding future support can be discussed early with changes in transition managed effectively. The impact of children and families has been to reduce barriers to access and has had significant benefits in ensuring that adult services across the Local Area are working with young people and their families in a timely way.
A parent carer forum is available which provides information, support and advice to those families of children with special education needs and / or disabilities (SEND).
Foxden Outreach and Short Break Care service is available to children, young people and families. For further information, see .
South Tyneside Young Carers service is delivered by TEN North East. They work with young carers under the age of 18 and offer the following support:
- Advice, support and signposting
- Peer support and opportunities to meet other young carers
- School support
- Personal development, workshops and qualifications
For further information, see .
Children and young people aged 0-18, with a permanent disability or life-long additional needs can join the Children with Disabilities Network. The Network provides access to Max Cards, which provide free and discounted entry to local, regional and national attractions, such as Arbeia Roman Fort and Museum, Jarrow Hall and South Shields Museum and Art Gallery. In addition, Max Card holders can also access free use of swimming pool facilities. For urther information around Max Cards, see .
The Community learning disabilities Service is delivered by South Tyneside and Sunderland Foundation Trust (STSFT) and Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW). They support adults with a learning disability with complex health care needs. This includes:
- Community Nursing
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Assertive Outreach Team
- Nurse Liaison
For further information, see and .
offers advice and support to people with a learning disability around 'What Matters to them'. This includes support and advice with health needs, housing, employment and education. This is delivered via a Drop-in service. Members with lived experience can also access opportunities (on a voluntary or paid basis) to influence health and social care services (i.e. Quality checking primary care, coaching professionals, peer research and participating in Care, Education and Treatment Reviews).
Your Voice Counts also provide statutory Advocacy services. In 2022 / 23, there were 242 referrals made for Advocacy services with the main discipline being for Relevant Person's Representative.
The Adult learning disabilities Social Work Team provides access to a range of services to help people who are 18 and over who have learning disabilities. The team promotes the statutory duties under the Care Act 2014, as well as the priorities in the Adult Social Care and Commissioning 'Living Better Lives' Strategy. These include:
- Supporting people to remain in control of their care and support to promote individual wellbeing.
- Preventing needs for care and support through prevention and early intervention.
- Working in partnership to improve health, care and support.
- Keeping people who are at risk of harm and abuse safe and well.
In addition, the team works closely with the Children with Disabilities Team to make sure someone's "transition", to adult services when they turn 18 years old is as smooth as possible.
The South Tyneside Forensic Community Team is delivered by CNTW. They provide support to professionals who are supporting people with a learning disability who have Forensic needs, as well as people who are at risk of offending.
In South Tyneside, there are 6 residential care services and 15 Independent Supported Living Providers.
In addition, South Tyneside has shared lives carers supporting people within both long term shared lives arrangements and short term "respite arrangements". A review is currently being undertaken into the shared lives offer, with a view to expanding the offer and ensuring it is focused on enabling people and promoting independence.
Bisley Drive is the current residential short breaks service for people with a learning disability and their families.
To support adults with high level needs, there are two specialist supported living housing developments being built for people with learning disabilities and Autistic people. Nolan Hall will consist of 6 flats and 5 bungalows for people with learning disabilities. Father James Walsh will have 10 bungalows designed specifically for Autistic adults. Each development will have a staff base onsite. The estimated timeline for completion is late 2024.
There are also 3 new extra care schemes being developed across the borough which will provide much needed modern accommodation for people of all ages (aged 18+) and all needs. The accommodation will be vibrant and open to the wider community with bistro style cafes and facilities. The builds are sequential with the first scheme being available late 2026.
There are 6 Day Care Providers who support people with learning disabilities to access community activities, hobbies and skills building.
Connected Caring, a partnership between Age Concern Tyneside South (ACTS), Vision and Hearing Support, and Your Voice Counts provides support to adult carers in South Tyneside. This includes:
- Advice and support based around the needs of the carer to enable them to continue their caring role.
- Access to emotional and wellbeing support.
- Peer support groups.
- Skills development, such as supporting with employment and training opportunities, as well as digital connection support.
- Working with Young Carers to support transition.
For further information, see .